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Adriana Magdovski, Piano
Davor Herga, Narrator
(Poems selected by Urška P. Černe.)

Knights' Hall, Regional Museum Maribor

An interweaving of piano miniatures and poetry for children.
Matinee for our youngest audience.

At the Maribor Festival, we have on many occasions witnessed the fact that music has incredibly powerful appeal for our youngest audience as well, even though they may never have heard the language of classical music before. Why shouldn’t this apply to poetry too? Children are receptive to both music and the spoken word, so this year we want to treat them to a concert-literary event made to their measure. The performance promises to be a charming intwining of children’s poetry and corresponding piano miniatures. Let the words and notes weave their magic!

(The concert will be in Slovenian)

Tickets: 10 € Family Ticket (max. 5 persons) / 5 €. 

Tickets can be purchased at the Information office of Narodni dom Maribor or at the concert venue up to an hour before the concert.

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